Last thing before you go — check out this BOGO!

Learn How to Master Essential Oils with Doctors, Bloggers, Researchers & Aromatherapists!

Get All Your Most Important Essential Oil Questions Answered by Dr. Z’s Famous Essential Oil Revolution Summits!
(Co-Hosted by Dr. Josh Axe & Jill Winger)
Essential Oils for Gut, Thyroid & Adrenals - Dr. Josh Axe
Best Ways to Use Oils on a Budget - Tiffany Terczak
Get 2 Essential Oil Revolution Summits for the Price of 1!
64 Expert Interviews + Searchable Transcripts + Audio Files + Instant Access to the Essential Oils Revolution Total Health Bundle – a $2,000 BONUS Bundle of Natural Living Resources & Guides!



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100% Money-Back Guarantee100% Money Back Guarantee No questions asked, no hassels, no problem.

Join 265,000+ other families who have learned how to use essential oils safely & effectively along with the experts you love & trust…

Want a better grasp on essential oil basics BEFORE you start using them on yourself, your family, or your clients?

Essential oils are a powerful, potent tool for healing, if you know how to use them correctly for your own body.  

Take lavender… it does a lot more than just calm the nerves. Not only is it a powerful anti-bacterial, it can help boost your memory, heal wounds, soothe rashes, and do so much more!

The challenge is, as you sit at your laptop or on your phone, scrolling through blog after blog…

You’ll notice MANY of the “educational” resources you’ll find online come from “the average joe” who’s simply telling you about their own personal experience with essential oils, or from people trying to sell you essential oils.

Almost none of what you’ll find is backed by research, or even mentions safety considerations like proper dilution, how to pick and safely test the right oils for YOUR biological makeup, photosensitivity, and other non-negotiable basics.

Not to mention, a lot of the recipes you’ll find are ALL THE SAME! In fact, they barely scratch the surface of what’s possible…

In response to all the noise and confusion around essential oils I created The Essential Oils Revolution 1 & 2 Summits with my friends Dr. Josh Axe & Jill Winger…

More than 265,000 people attended these historic online events, where we helped people learn the fastest and easiest way to make using essential oils feel like “second nature” and build unshakeable trust and confidence in YOURSELF when it comes to your health. 

The 64 expert interviews in these summits clearly outline how essential oils can help with these common health concerns (and more!)…

Plus, expert-advice for how to best use essential oils around for all of your home & garden needs:

If you’re someone who likes information broken down clearly, easily, and in order, you will LOVE this bundle!

With the Essential Oils Revolution Summit Bundle, you will:

And SO much more — all from a faith-friendly yet research-backed perspective that weaves in scripture, prayer, and family-friendly guidance!

This is what’s possible when you have trusted alternatives at your fingertips…

5 Stars
Thank You For Your Dedication

Thanks so much for all the understandable details. I’ve been using oils for a couple years now, but more seriously in the last year. I have found that it’s helped my family through alllergies, influenza, stomach flu, migraines, depression, stress, and also peaceful passing. I’m a firm believer that they help our bodies and minds and have begun to seriously share with my friends and family in the last several months. Thank you for your dedication to helping others and getting this information out there.

Valerie Peterson-jackson
5 Stars
Richly Informative
I am loving these talks. It’s great that they are short enough to find time to listen to, each day! Some docuseries provide TOO MUCH to take in and take way too much time out of each day over a week to make me overtired and overloaded! I am definitely going to buy in for my children and grandchildren to learn this vital information! My appetite is definitely whetted. I’ve been using EOs nor for a couple years, but still find this SO richly informative! Many thanks!
Lyn ALcorn
5 Stars
I Have Learned Even more About EOs From You

Thank you Dr. Z, for your research, education, experience, and time. As with all your seminars, FB group and website, I thoroughly enjoyed these videos… I have learned even more about EOs from you. Looking forward to your next project!

Wendy Fulton
5 Stars
I Truly Believe I Can Move Ahead and Try Them With No Fear

Dear Dr. Z, thank you so so much for this wonderful program – from knowing very little about essential oils, I truly believe I can move ahead and try them with no fear and more confidence. I can also converse better with my two friends who share this interest and are more advanced than I am!

Ruth Hufford
5 Stars
So Happy With the Results So Far
…I would say I’m about two months of using Mama Z’s cancer lotion. I use it daily. I don’t expect them to go all away, but I am so happy with the results so far. Thanks for letting me find you!
Chris Blanchard Vincente

Here’s a quick look at what you’ll get with the Essential Oils Revolution Summit Bundle…

Essential Oils Revolution Summit Bundle

Your Essential Oils Revolution Expert Interviews Include:

  • Aromatherapy History & Basics
  • Inhalation Guide & Safety Tips
  • Topical Application Guide & Safety Tips
  • Internal Use Guide & Safety Tips
  • DIY Body Care Products
  • DIY Cleaning Products
  • Cooking With Essential Oils
  • Preventing Disease With Essential Oils
  • Treating Disease With Essential Oils
  • Advanced Strategies & Protocols

And, each video includes searchable transcripts and audio if you prefer to read or listen!

If you wanted to learn all of this on your own, you’d likely spend months (if not years) sifting through fact and fiction online…

Certification-level courses can cost up to $500 or more!

But, I want to make this accessible to as many people as possible, so we’ve made sure to price this FAR below market price, even though everything here is worth more than the $500 you’d spend elsewhere…

And we’re not even done yet!

PLUS, You’ll Get Instant Access to the Essential Oils Revolution “Total Health Bundle”… A $2,000 BONUS Bundle of Natural Living Resources!

This easy-to-access reference library is stocked with even more expert interviews, transcripts, printables and eBooks & handy charts that you can download, print out and use as you learn.

Learn from expert homesteaders, your favorite bloggers, natural health influencers and doctors about how they use essential oils in this exclusive Essential Oils Revolution package! 

Add the Essential Oils Revolution Summit Bundle to your order now and get INSTANT ACCESS to these expert interviews!

Essential Oils for Gut, Thyroid & Adrenals - Dr. Josh Axe
Best Ways to Use Oils on a Budget - Tiffany Terczak



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100% Money-Back Guarantee100% Money Back Guarantee No questions asked, no hassels, no problem.
NLF Mark of Excellence
Again, you’re protected by the Natural Living Family’s Mark of Excellence because your health & happiness mean the world to us…

That’s why you get a FULL 30-Days, 100% RISK-FREE to enjoy the Essential Oils Revolution Summit Bundle.

If at the end of 30 days, you feel this video series is not what we promised it would be, email us and we’ll be happy to refund your money. No questions asked. Your health and your happiness is what matters most to us. Period.